Electronics, hardware, Reverse engineering, starlink

Starlink rev 3 (V2) power architecture

This article will explore how the Starlink REV3 (a.k.a. G3/V3) power architecture is implemented. We will learn how the Starlink “PoE” is implemented and how the Starlink board powers up. This information might be helpful for those doing Starlink repairs. The primary focus will be on the rev3 boards, which are the most common worldwide (as of summer 2024). Please…

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Compact and powerful DC driver using IRS2104

A few years ago, I wrote about the powerful DC motor driver based on IR2110. This construction appeared to be quite popular. This time I want to describe a much compact and simpler (but still very powerful) solution with IRS2104. This device can be used to control any power-hungry DC load like DC motors, heaters, and so on.

Astro tools, Electronics

Isolated eqmod adapter for the telescope control

There are popular and quite cheap amateur telescope mounts from different vendors: Sky-Watcher, Celestron, etc. Most of those mounts contain motors and some controller schematic. Users can control these devices in different ways. One way is to use the mount’s hand controller. Another way is to connect to the computer and use some software to control and guide the telescope.…

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