Electronics, Networking, Software

RS-485 practice and theory

I just built two RS-485 adapters (version 2) and decided to write a little note about the RS-485 bus (and differential line) theory, plus perform some testing of the devices. This material mostly interesting for newbies. At the end of this article, you can find a funny way to test these devices 🙂


Isolated USB to RS485 adapter

RS485 is a standard for use in serial communications systems. Electrical signaling is balanced, and multipoint systems are supported. This communication standard is used in a wide range of computer and automation systems. RS-485 is used as the physical layer underlying many standard and proprietary automation protocols used to implement Industrial Control Systems, including the most common versions of Modbus…

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Astro tools, Electronics

Isolated eqmod adapter for the telescope control

There are popular and quite cheap amateur telescope mounts from different vendors: Sky-Watcher, Celestron, etc. Most of those mounts contain motors and some controller schematic. Users can control these devices in different ways. One way is to use the mount’s hand controller. Another way is to connect to the computer and use some software to control and guide the telescope.…

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