Hi everyone;
First of all, I'm new here and I would really want to appreciate all the effort, work and reverse engineering that Oleg is doing to the Starlink system.
I need some help with my REV 3 (Gen 2 motorized Dish). To be as short as possible;
- The antenna stopped working properly, it keeps rebooting all the time, uptime less than 3 minutes and always the same "booting" message.
- No physical issues observed.
- I changed the cable and cleaned the SPX port.
- I opened the antenna carefully to check if there was some humidity or something, everything seem to be fine in a visual inspection.
- The antenna is not moving or stow properly. You send the order and sometimes it make it, sometimes not... So I disconnected the motors from the board to make the measurements and tests.
- I'm following the troubleshooting steps that are mentioned in the blog.
- Installed the "Star Debug" app and checked the state. Always says it's on "BOOTING" condition and it keeps restarting suddenly. Uptime is never 3 minutes up.
- Checked POE input voltage and the regulator. Both 48v and 12v seem to be good.
- Checked all the 5 MP8795 voltages and while booting seem to be in good condition 1v and 1.8v.
From this step, I'm a bit lost. Not an engineer and I don't have to much knowledge on electronics so everything I'm doing is following steps and advices. I can make the "POE Injector RJ-45 modification" but I ordered meanwhile the cable side ZDPR-10V-S so I don't want to be too much intrusive in the motor and SPX (USB).
I wonder if there's a reversible way to open the SPX port (USB) to check the continuity and good status. Seem to be in good condition since in the "Star Debug" app the Ethernet speed it's on 1000Mbps and the POE voltages inside the antenna looks good.
Maybe a failed update or a corrupt software version? Is there a way to inject a clean software from the computer or something? Any advice on what could be happening?
Uploading resources for more help:
Star Debug - Dish Issue.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5qwHaVz580wStar Debug - Logs
https://mega.nz/file/fgMUlTbT#35G_sloKdqwNel6PesqO318-7zeB1j1kyM4HP5xETagUPDATE 1:
Upload PDF with all the measures taken from the MP8795 voltages (1,8v and 1,0v). Please, zoom in to check the annotations.
https://mega.nz/file/3x0CUKIA#jNXnBIx10XCAzEqAvDOiA9JT4_UkO0C7GP1EpQaFMJ4Thank you so much all!
Very best regards.